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Join us for an exciting and engaging Vibrant Friday Night. Through inspiring and relevant biblical teaching, we focus on strengthening our relationship with God and each other. Our VibrantCC community also provides an opportunity to connect with others and join together in prayer. We welcome everyone to come and experience what makes our Vibrant Friday Night's special! Click the link to join us

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Vibrant Christian Church is a safe online environment, where guests can interact with the ministry team, ask for prayer, receive teaching, and access information on how to grow in the Christian Faith. We are loving Spirit-led Christians who utilize technology to reach a vast diversity of guests from Believers wanting to strengthen their faith to Searchers looking for answers about God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.


We encourage you to engage with us through participation with our weekly live church broadcasts, online teaching videos, weekly podcasts, daily inspirational scripture social media postings, and most importantly, connect to our team of pastors, teachers, and vibrant prayer warriors.


There is a great scripture in Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend" what this passage basically means is that we can gleam from others and their life experiences and apply them to our own lives. I hopefully can learn from you and you can hopefully learn from me. I use the word "hopefully" not because I am hopeful to learn but that I am hopeful that you will share. I hope that the sharp iron in you and from your life experiences will be shared to help sharpen my dull iron and help me grow as both a believer and a person. 


Matthew 6:33 - "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need."


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