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Evangelist Michael Fruci shares an inspiring message every Friday Night at 7 pm PST


Vibrant Church Live: Our Friday night service offers an alternative to the more traditional Sunday morning worship. It provides an opportunity for people with busy schedules or other commitments on Sundays to gather and worship together. The online service is often designed to be more dynamic and engaging to cater to all attendees.


Prayer: Prayer is a fundamental part of the service. Congregants have the chance to express their joys, requests, and supplications to God, both individually and collectively. It's a time for personal reflection and communion with God, through His Only Son Jesus Christ.


Biblical Teaching: A central element of the Friday night service is the teaching of the Bible. Our pastor delivers a message rooted in scripture, offering insights, lessons, and guidance for living a Christian life. Sound Biblical teachings aim to inspire, challenge, and encourage spiritual growth.


Community Fellowship: The service provides an opportunity for people to connect with one another, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Before or after the service, there may be time for fellowship, where attendees can interact, share stories, and build meaningful online relationships.


Join us every Friday Night at 7 pm PST

On most Social Media platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and X

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